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7 Important SEO Trends for Dental Practices

Only 30% of small businesses are using search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to propel their marketing. Are you one of those businesses that are missing out on this critical tactic? The importance of SEO isn't going down any time soon as we continue to see the world grow in the online space.

Dental Lead Generation Services

SEO allows you to get your business to potential clients who are searching for your services online. As a dental practice, you are always looking to bring in new patients and expand your business. Read on to find seven important SEO trends for the upcoming year to get yourself started on the path to success!

1. Updated Keywords

Search engine optimization is a complex strategy and it takes a variety of factors to nail it. One of the biggest factors that contribute to SEO is the correct use of keywords. These "keywords" are usually a few words that a potential customer would search to locate information related to your services.

The interest in certain content can fluctuate based on what's happening in the industry or the world. For example, a new keyword that could be considered popular are phrases involving COVID safety. Other popular keywords for dental practices are dentists who accept Medicaid, kid's dentists near me, and teeth whitening dentists.

2. Long-Form Content

Long-form content is content that consists of about 2,000 words or more. Although you may be concerned about the attention span of your readers, there are plenty of benefits to consider when it comes to long-form.

Long-form content allows you to reach higher online visibility, increased social sharing, improved link building, and reliable website authority. You'll be able to throw in as many different keywords as you can to increase visibility and rank better according to the Google algorithm.

3. Mobile-Friendliness

By 2025, it's estimated that almost 73% of internet users will be accessing it through their smartphones. When you are building your website and its content you need to ensure that it is optimized for mobile users. If you fail to do so, your content may be inaccessible or difficult to use by those who are viewing via smartphone.

If you think about it in terms of the fact we've just given, that means you'll only be getting your content to that 27% who access it via desktop. A lot of people on the go will be looking for a dental practice in their area. Make it easier for them to find you by ensuring you're mobile-friendly.

4. Include Video

There are several different types of SEO. One of those is on-page SEO which includes your content. Video has mostly been overlooked in the past when it comes to this strategy but businesses are beginning to take notice.

YouTube is a great platform to boost your efforts and make an effective change in your strategy. You'll need to optimize your channel by strategically naming your channel and writing your video descriptions.

TikTok is another example of video marketing that can easily be done. Again, remember to optimize your username, bio, and video descriptions for the best results.

5. Building Patient Reviews

Your online reviews have been and will continue to be vital to the success of your practice. Many people turn to these reviews on Google, Yelp, and other platforms to decide where they will go to get their services.

In addition, Google will search the reviews for keywords as well. Having patients who write positive and descriptive reviews will only add to your SEO strategy and help you reach those potential new patients.

Here's an extra tip: offering a process for your staff to ask patients to leave Google reviews is a wonderful way to build your patient reviews. Be sure to allow them to express their own true opinions instead of forcing a 5-star review.

6. Longer Phrases

Long-tail keywords are typically more specific and longer than your normal keywords. Some people tend to push these aside because they have less traffic. However, another metric to pay attention to is your conversion rate.

Because these longer phrases are more specific, it's more likely that your content will match exactly what the person is trying to find. Although you will be gaining traffic a bit slower, you will be reaching a more purposeful audience who tend to take quicker action.

7. Google's EAT Principle

Google has continuously stressed that in terms of ranking, quality content is the key. So, what does "quality" mean to Google? To meet the standards of this search engine you should refer to Google's EAT principle.

EAT stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Here are a few key questions to ask yourself when designing your content:

  • Am I knowledgeable about the subject matter?

  • How credible is the website?

  • How trustworthy is the site?

Unless you are a marketing professional, this can seem a bit vague. That's why it's always worth it to speak with someone who can set you up for success such as a marketing agency.

SEO Trends for Dental Practices

The importance of SEO is undisputed in this new age of the internet. Every business should be putting an effort into its SEO strategy to harness the power of digital marketing. With these new SEO trends emerging, you'll be able to boost your benefits and reach more and more new patients.

SEO trends are changing all the time. That's why it's always smart to have a professional marketing team on your side. If you're looking to set up the most effective plan, contact us for help!

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