A substantial part of our business is generating leads for clients in the way of phone calls through Google and Facebook advertising campaigns. To ensure that the inbound calls are handled correctly, we've put together a standard call answering script for receptionists.
It's helped one of our clients go from converting 10% of callers into appointments, to 30%.
The purpose of this script is to empower the receptionist with the right answers to common objections and questions, so as to achieve the end goal of scheduling an appointment for the client with the professional whether it be a lawyer or dentist.
First, some things to keep in mind...
Call Structure Basics
It's important for the team answering the calls to follow this structure so that they increase their chances of scheduling appointments.
Provide a warm and energetic greeting
Obtain their name and phone number
Ask them what need/problem they currently have
Schedule an appointment
Always ask for the caller’s name before asking any questions
Be proactive and recommend dates and times for an appointment
Don’t assume a caller will call back to schedule later, close the appointment on the phone
Objection Handling
For a question on an issue that the receptionist cannot or should not answer, it's best to demonstrate the experience of the professional (dentist, lawyer, etc.) and push for an appointment:
I recommend we schedule an appointment. Our XXX has more than XX years of experience and has seen thousands of cases. They will be able to provide you with the appropriate steps to tackle your case.
When the caller asks about the price, consider not sharing the price over the phone, unless for clear specials with a specific price. If the caller insists, share a range of pricing and recommend that the caller schedule an appointment for an accurate quote:
I'd love to give you a price over the phone but it would be best to have XXX gather important details and provide a personalized set of options. Are you available on ___ at ___?
When the caller mentions it's expensive, it's good practice to share available financing options:
Not to worry, we have great in-house financing options available and we work with many third parties.
Call Script Sample
Goal: Schedule an appointment
// Begin Script
OFFICE: Hello! (Office). This is (Name). How can I help you?
Caller: Hi, I’d like to get information about (Issue they're calling about).
OFFICE: Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?
Caller: My name is (MR. / MRS.)
OFFICE: Welcome to (Office)! Is there any telephone number where I can reach you in case we get disconnected (MR. / MRS.)
Caller: (123) 456-7890
OFFICE: Thank you so much for that information. (MR. / MRS.) we are currently offering a (mention special tied to appointment), on that appointment our XXX will determine the options available to accommodate your individual case and needs.
*Caller: How much do you charge for (particular service)? I have been told by another (competitor or friend) that ………
*OFFICE: Each case is unique, but our XXX has over XXX years of experience. I would suggest that you have an appointment for a complete evaluation of your case (MR. / MRS.)
Caller: ok
OFFICE: I’ll be happy to schedule your appointment for our next available slot.
Is there any time of the day that works best for you? AM / PM
Are you available on:
Option 1 date and time
Option 2 date and time
Caller: (date) at (time) sounds good
COMPANY: Perfect! Thank you for scheduling an appointment with us for (date) at (time).
Is there anything else I can do for you today? (MR. / MRS.)
Caller: No
OFFICE: Excellent!!! We’ll see you on (date and time).
You will receive a reminder before your appointment by text to the number you provided so you can confirm, change, or cancel the appointment.
// End Script
Download the script in PDF format:
Close More Appointments
Make the appropriate edits to make it work for your office today! In many cases, the changes can deliver immediate results. However, for this to consistently work for the long term, we recommend role-playing with your team, at least once a week for a month or two. Afterward, biweekly or monthly training will help your team stay on top of their game.
Best of luck with the training!