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What are the best ways to promote a new law firm?

Just like any other business, law firms require lead generation strategies for converting prospects into new clients. In this article, we discuss three marketing strategies which can help new lawyers in their efforts to gain more legal consultations, and consequently, new clients.

Show your law firm on Google Maps with Google My Business

Anytime someone types “lawyer near me” into Google, there’s a whole bunch of law firms that pop up on the Google Maps feature. These locations are created through Google My Business accounts. These accounts are really important as they enable firms to link their website, phone number, business address and much more straight onto Google.

google my business law firms
Google My Business listings for lawyers in Miami, FL on a ‘lawyer near me’ search.

We suggest starting with a GMB Account because it boosts your chances of appearing in Google Search results. You can manage your account here:

For Lawyers, there are other option aside from Google My Business. The other option is conducting advertisement campaign online.

Pay to play with Paid Advertising

Google My Business is an excellent first recommendation to put into action since it is simple and free to do. Still, with Google My Business, the further away someone from your office when searching for you, the lesser the chance your law office will be seen on the search results. This is because it is a very competitive industry and dozens of others in your region are competing against you for the same space.

For this reason, I believe that there is occasionally an argument for integrating some paid advertising into your business plan. The justification is that if you pay to market your firm, you will for sure reach a new audience.

This is how paid advertising is done:

  1. Advertisements are placed on Google, Facebook, or Instagram

  2. Users see your advertisement and call you directly

  3. Your staff arranges a meeting with the prospective lead

  4. You talk with the lead and manage to convert him into a paying client

This is a screenshot of a campaign we did for a family lawyer in the family law area. He got some of his ads placed on the Google network for approximately $600. As you can see, they were able to obtain 9 leads for about $66 each.

Family Law Lead Generation Services
Image of family law Google campaign results

Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or LinkedIn are other platforms that you may find useful depending on which field of law you are in.

But then again, it is crucial to keep in mind that paid advertising can get you leads fast, but each campaign requires effort to attain lead quality and cost per lead that is reasonable.

Set up your free lawyer profile on Legal Directories

From the conversations we had with lawyers, several of them claimed to have received some consultations due to the directories where they are listed. Such directories are beneficial since they normally allow lawyers to create free profiles which users can view whenever they search for lawyers on their sites.

The unfortunate thing is that the consultation traffic from directories can be cold.

Nonetheless, spending an hour or two of your time setting up a free profile and having the chance to receive consultation sounds like a good deal.

Here are some other legal directories that you can consider:

We hope this article has provided useful insight into acquiring new clients for your law firm.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss any of these points, as well as the FREE audit of your firm over a discovery call.

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