TikTok for Lawyers - 3 Content Ideas

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

With over 100 million users in the United States, TikTok is popular. Law firms that are able to use the platform stand to gain from online exposure that could result in new cases both due to word of mouth from viewers and the viewers themselves.

Below are three TikTok content ideas for lawyers.

Share Your Legal Opinions

People on TikTok find law interesting when real-world examples are provided.

In the video below, Thomas J. Kherkher, @attorneytom, a personal injury attorney with over 500,000 TikTok followers, shares a video of a home under construction falling along with his opinion on the people likely to get sued for that error.

The video received more than 70,000 views.

By sharing his opinion on what might happen, he's demonstrating to his viewers that he's a subject matter expert when it comes to injury.

Educate Your Audience On The Law

Immigration lawyer, Jacob Sapochnick (@sdimmigrationlawyer), has over 160,000 followers on TikTok and regularly educates his audience on immigration law as well as shares immigration-related current events. This is a great way to engage with an audience that pays attention to the immigration situation in the United States.

In the video below, Jacob shows how immigration fees have changed over time. The video received over 100,000 views.

As an expert in his field, there's no doubt that Jacob is establishing top of mind awareness. The next time someone thinks of hiring an immigration lawyer, they'll know who to call.

Make Your Audience Laugh

Family lawyer, Anthony Barbuto (@thelawyer) has over 2 million followers on TikTok and he shares funny content. He's able to captivate his audience with skits that are original and that at the same time show what he sees as a lawyer.

In the video below, he pretends to be a husband whose wife left him, though in the video, it's not quite clear for him (the actor). The video was a hit with over 1 million views.

As a family lawyer that deals with divorce cases, this video is relevant to his field.

Now that you know how to use TikTok for lawyers, start creating.

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